Furqaan Academy Online

Tuition Information

Tuition & Registration Information School Year 2024-2025



Subsidized Tuition*

Elementary  (1st - 5th)



Middle School (6th - 8th)



High School (9th – 12th)



* Tuitions which are not covered by scholarship, grants, or cannot be covered by the parents due to their financial position, are eligible for a donor subsidy in the amount of $2200-$3500 (depending on the actual tuition amount).

    (For Integrated Program, maximum 10 installments allowed)

Please note, the tuition mentioned above is just a base tuition. Actual tuition may vary (based on student’s residency)

Other Fees:


Registration Fee

Books Annual Subscription Fees

Testing Fee

Technology Fee



1st - 12th







(Grades 8th and 12th Only)

* Subject to adjustment

Payment Plans

Full tuition is due at the time of registration. Furqaan Academy payment plans are provided as a courtesy for parents. Accepting a payment plan does not absolve the parent to pay the whole tuition amount.

Please note, all tuition collection is handled online through FACTS Tuition Management System. A $50 non refundable FACTS enrollment fee is charged per family every year.  Payments except for registration will not be accepted in the office. All families must enroll with FACTS.

*Tuitions which are not covered by scholarship, grants, or cannot be covered by the parents due to their financial position, are eligible for a donor subsidy in the amount of $2,500-$4,000 (depending on the actual tuition amount)